In 19th century Yorkshire, a mysterious young widow Helen Graham and her son arrive at the desolate estate of Wildfell Hall. Isolating herself from the village, she soon becomes the subject of local gossip and speculation. Intrigued by this beautiful and enigmatic woman, a young, local farmer, Markham, gradually falls in love. Torn apart by her attraction to Markham and the secrets of her past, Helen finally reveals the shocking history she thought she’d left behind.
Based on the 1848 novel by Anne Brontë The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a passionate story of a woman’s fight for independence. This new stage adaptation has been lovingly brought to life by award winning playwright Deborah McAndrew.
Directed by Rebecca Carney
The Play runs from Saturday 9/11/2019 to Saturday 16/11/2019 (excluding Sunday 10/11/2019).
The Preview will be on Thursday 7/11/2019
The Charity performance will be on Friday 8/11/2019. Curtain up at 19.45.
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